Alberta Well Finder
Access 483,665+ wells from the Alberta Energy Regulator. Search by LSD, UWI, license number, well name, licensee, agent, or operator. Get precise locations, status, details, ownership, contact information, and driving directions.
- 📍 Precise GPS coordinates
- 🛻 Turn-by-turn directions to well sites
- 📋 One-click coordinate copying
- 🗺️ Google Maps and Apple Maps integration
- ⛽ Active, abandonned and H2S wells
- 🛢️ Daily well spud and drilling activity
- 📊 Well details, status, ownership, contact info
- 📄 Recently updated licenses
Trusted by hundreds of organizations across Canada.
What users say
“The ability to quickly verify bottom hole locations and access geological data has reduced our pre-spud meeting preparation time by 40%.”
— Drilling Superintendent

About the Developer

I'm René Fournier, creator of Alberta Well Finder, LSD Finder, Grid Atlas, and GPS Police. My applications serve thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of users worldwide daily.
For basic browsing, Alberta Well Finder is FREE. For advanced features—such as unlimited searches, H2S support, driving direction and more–you are welcome to subscribe to LITE, PRO or MAX plans. When you sign-up, you get a free month of PRO with no strings attached. If you would like to support Alberta Well Finder’s development, please visit my Buy me a coffee page.
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