
Types of fluids

‘Fluid’ in well site licenses categorizes substances a well extracts or injects. This classification, encompassing hydrocarbons to injection mediums, informs operators and regulators about the well's nature.

Fluids’ critical role in licensing

The fluid type in a well license dictates extraction techniques, equipment needs, and safety measures. From producing crude oil to injecting steam for enhanced recovery, each fluid demands a tailored approach.

Diverse fluids in Alberta

Alberta's energy resources are diverse, with fluids ranging from crude oil and natural gas to operational mediums like water and brine. Specialized substances such as synthetic crude and polymer reflect innovative extraction and recovery methods.

Innovation signified by fluid diversity

Fluid diversity in Alberta, like carbon dioxide (CO2) injections for enhanced recovery, showcases technological progress and efforts towards sustainability.

Understanding a well's fluid type illuminates its operational and environmental practices, linking geological potential to the marketable product.


From crude bitumen extraction in oil sands to shale gas production, each fluid in Alberta’s subsurface narrates geological history, technological evolution, and economic impact.